Find Us
So you are ready to come and see us in action. You can find the shed at the following address.
Turner Farm
Turners Ln
DE55 1AS
Additional Information
Turners Lane is off Cray's Hill. Follow the track up to the farm. Please do not visit outside of our opening hours when the Turner Farm is operational
Swanwick Men's Shed
- Swanwick Men's Shed
Please let us know if you are coming for the first time by contacting us using our web form on our contact page. We will arrange for one of our shedders to meet and greet you.
Our Opening Hours
Monday - Closed
Tuesday- Closed
Wednesday 3:30pm - 6:00pm
Thursday 3:30pm - 6:00pm
Friday - Closed
Saturday 9:00 - 4:00pm
Sunday - Closed
Please do not visit outside of our opening hours when the Turner Farm is operational.